About Us


Toroide Capital

Founded in 2005, Toroide Capital is a private lender and a venture capitalists firm.

We offer a variety of short-terms business lending products that are great for access to fast working capital especially for new business owners with bad personal credit. 

Our venture capital firm works in a multitud of industries with special focus in tech and innovation.

Explore our business loans and financing solutions to find the right fit for your business’s needs.


Our Services

Know our options and choose the most suitable for you!

Working Capital

This is ideal for businesses who need to leverage funding to buy real estate, expand operations, or manage cash flow, among other reasons.

Venture Capital

We teach founders how to take their businesses from 0 to 1, and beyond. Our team is specifically designed to guide you and help develop your skills in every facet of your business.

Working Proccess

We seek founders with tenacity, integrity, and a spark of rebellion…
and provide them with all their business need



Business Growth

Success Mission


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